Sunday, August 15, 2010

Here's To You

Today I'm starting a blog.  This blog, in fact.  I've been thinking about it for quite some time, but that's as far as it got.  I worried that I would need to have profound insights and wildly entertaining stories.  I wondered what I had to say that hadn't already been said.  And I just plain procrastinated. 

So then I got to thinking about my Mom.  She died from a stroke a few years ago, but everything in my life still circles back around to her.  She was funny.  She was tiny.  She was immensely talented.  She hated her hair.  She was more stylish in her jeans from Goodwill than any supermodel in a Chanel suit.  She could be impatient waiting in lines.  She gave huge hugs.  She always took off her glasses before getting her picture taken.  She let us stay up all night when I had slumber parties and never told us to go to sleep.  She loved gum drops and gummi bears.  She was super nice to all my friends.

And she wanted to hear all about my life.  She read my journal when I traveled through Europe.  She didn't mind when I'd call her at 4 a.m. just so I could tell her something funny that happened that night.  She rooted for my friends to do well.  She anxiously awaited pictures and letters.  She felt the impact of September 11th as if she'd been here herself.  

Now that she's gone, I find myself at a loss sometimes.  I still ache to tell her about every little thing.'s my chance.  I'll imagine that she's reading this along with all of you.  Hope you like it.

Oh, the title of the blog? Well, that's a reference to her too. It's how she'd always answer when I'd call.

"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Darling."


  1. What a sweet idea! I'll be along for the ride :)

  2. ohhhhhhh Tara. I'm all teary eyed already.
    Thank you for doing this.
    Thank you for doing everything you do.

