Thursday, December 23, 2010

So This Is Christmas

Here are just a few of my favorite things about Christmas, past and present and always...

Christmas tree vendors in New York City.  All of a sudden you're walking along one day and a forest pops up in the middle of the city.  And that smell.

Red and green gumdrop wreaths.

A Charlie Brown Christmas.  Particularly the part where Linus learns that Sally has been cast as his wife in the play.  He glances over in distress only to find her clapping happily with a million hearts shooting out around her.  And the music.  And the singing at the end with their mouths in perfect 'O' shapes.  And the speech Linus gives.  And the dancing.  And the Charlie Brown tree, of course. 

It's A Wonderful Life.  Never fails to remind me that, yes, it is.  "Out you two pixies go...through the door or out the window!"

Burl Ives.  David Bowie and Bing Crosby.  Elvis.     

The box of ornaments my mom passed along to me.  Silver garlands that were once probably modern and fluffy, but are now completely matted together and intertwined with bits of Christmas past.  The red and gold beads, also tarnished and chipped, but perfect.  The gold glitter and red felt peace sign.  The paper dove.  The clothespin soldier.  The delicate glass balls that fill the jar usually occupied by old buttons.

Wrapping presents.  Almost always with my signature ribbon criss-crossed across the package. 

Making, sending, and receiving Christmas cards.  And seeing them all hanging up on my front door.

The windows in NYC.  I make a special trip to see Bergdorf's.

The gold angel chime decoration that comes in a flat box and you put it all together and light the candles to make the angels spin around and chime ever so quietly.  Yeah, that one. 

The teeny tiny house in my hometown that used to be covered head to toe in lights.

Caroling with the Madrigals in high school.  Mortifying and yet somehow a blast.  Plus, the floppy red hat and cape were essential.

And the meaning of all of it - my family and friends.

It's Christmas.  It only comes once a year.   

xoxo tara xoxo

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry. I love you dearly! Merry Christmas Taradactyl~
